Hidden Worlds exhibit marketing

Our marketing team and curatorial/exhibit team worked closely with the marketing team at LAIKA to craft this new exhibit. When it came to marketing the exhibit, we sought to showcase the characters from their films that had the highest recognition.

While many of the films told the story of dual worlds conflicting and co-existing, the exhibit also told the story of the hidden world that lies behind the painstakingly handcrafted scenes. We leaned into imagery showing the tunnel that connected two worlds in Coraline, often paired with stills or photography of the puppets and sets.


In-house design lead


InDesign, Photoshop, After Effects, Sketch


November 2022–April 2023


MoPOP marketing team, LAIKA marketing team

Exhibit opening party at Sky Church

Exhibit opening party: I designed all the digital and print collateral to promote the event as well as the on-screen signage and in-museum event wayfinding.

Photo by Christine Mitchell.

Table tent promoting the new exhibit at Culture Kitchen
Marketing email promoting the new exhibit

Printed tabletop tents (a new placement that I created design and cut templates for), and one of many, many emails sent to promote the new exhibit.

Mini screens at the museum's front desk

Digital signage at the museum's front desk to promote the exhibit, along with a static piece on the right that links to a digital map of the museum.

Oversize printed banner at the museum
Large print sign at SeaTac

Two oversize printed signs: one at the museum and one at SeaTac airport.

Seamless IG carousel

Stills from a few of their films, stitched together as a seamless Instagram carousel using the circular visual motif that we developed for this exhibit.

Billboard at Seattle Center promoting the Hidden Worlds exhibit

14' x 48' Lamar billboard placement at Boren Ave & Virginia St.